Smart Pointers Example
Demonstrates resource management using smart pointers to prevent memory leaks.
Memory Management
Smart Pointers
Multithreading with std::thread
Shows how to create and manage threads for concurrent execution.
Lambda Expressions with std::sort
Utilizes lambda expressions for sorting a vector of pairs efficiently.
Lambda Expressions
Template Metaprogramming
Calculates factorial at compile time using template specialization.
Custom Exception Handling
Illustrates the creation and use of custom exceptions in C++.
Exception Handling
Error Management
Using std::variant for Type Safety
Demonstrates type-safe unions using std::variant for handling multiple types.
Type Safety
Implementing Observer Pattern
Shows how to implement the observer design pattern for event handling.
Design Patterns
Observer Pattern
RAII with File Handling
Demonstrates Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) with file operations.
File Handling
Implementing a Simple Thread Pool
A basic implementation of a thread pool to manage multiple tasks concurrently.
Thread Pool
Concurrency Management