Machine Learning
by Ghanshyamsinh Zala


DataVerse is an innovative platform designed to empower users with
cutting-edge data analysis tools. Explore various data mining
techniques and machine learning models to unlock insights from your data.


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Stock Prize Estimation

allows users to analyze stock price trends by fetching historical data for a specified stock symbol and date range.

Stock ML Garph

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Clustering Visualization Tool

Visualize K-Means clustering with customizable settings for data samples, clusters, and standard deviation.

Clustering DataVisualization ML

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Decision Tree Classifier

Train and visualize a Decision Tree model on classification or regression datasets using Streamlit

DecisionTree DataScience MachineLearning

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Apriori Association Rules

Implement the Apriosri algorithm for mining frequent itemsets and generating association rules from transaction data.

AprioriAlgorithm RuleMining Tables

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Binning Techniques Vis.

Demonstrating equal width and equal depth binning techniques on user-input or randomly generated data.

DataBinning DataScience DM

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Data Cleaning Assistant

A tool to help users clean datasets by handling missing values, removing duplicates, and correcting data types.

DataCleaning DataPreprocessing Duplicates

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Sentiment Analysis App

Sentiment analysis on a CSV file, cleans the text, analyzes sentiment, visualizes distribution, and allows data download.

SentimentAnalysis NaturalLanguageProcessing

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Music Genre Classifier

Upload an audio file to predict its genre using a pre-trained machine learning model.

AudioClassification MusicGenre

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Movie Recommendation System

Enter a movie title to receive personalized movie recommendations based on genre similarity using machine learning.

MovieRecommendation CosineSimilarity


The Developer

Profile Picture
Ghanshyamsinh Zala

Freelancer & Developer

A passionate developer with expertise in building scalable
web applications and a keen interest in exploring new technologies.

Follow me here